Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

IQAC is established in the college as per the guideline of NAAC.

IQAC Meetings  Annual Report 
2023-24  2023-24


IQAC Report Summary


Policies Audit Cell
IQAC Quality Policy Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) IPR Cell
Policy for Green Campus, Energy, Environment Gender Audit Research and Development Cell
Policy for Holistic Development of Students Green Audit  
Policy for Research, Innovation and Incubation Energy Audit  
Policy on Providing Financial Support to Teachers Financial Audit  
Prevention of Ragging Menace Quality policy    
Shobhagnya Puraskar    


The composition of the IQAC may be as follows:



  1. To develop a system for conscious, consistent, and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the HEI;
  2. To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through the institutionalization of quality culture, quality-by-design (QbD), SOPs etc.;
  3. To endorse self-governance and leadership by empowering human resource to become selfreliant, decision-maker, performer and contributor;
  4. To consistently plan and extend support to individual committees organizing activities regarding experiential-learning, student support system, administration, co- and extracurricular, sports, student extension etc. to translate students into responsible, contributing global citizen;
  5. To ensure developing educated graduates with knowledge, technical and interpersonal skills, life skills, values and dispositions;
  6. To unify internal and external communication promoting better policy implementation and stakeholder’s satisfaction;
  7. To guarantee the adequacy, maintenance, and functioning of the physical resources and supporting services in overall conduct of HEI