Grievance Redressal Cell (तक्रार निवारण कक्ष)

Grievance Redressal Cell is constituted as per  THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, MARCH 23, 2013 (CHAITRA 2,1935) (Part III Sec. 4) and for the appointement of Ombudsman necessary communication is made with the University. 

The name of the Ombudsman shall be uplaoded once approved by University. 


UGC GR Grievance Reddressal

Online for Complaint of Grievance Redressal Committee


The composition of the cell is as follows;




Dr. Kiran S. Patil


Mr. Mayuresh V. Shinde


Mrs, Supriya D. Gaikwad


Dr. Pravin S. Patil


Mrs. Sunita S. Shinde


Mrs.Shalaka R. Patki


Ms. Priti P. Ghatge

Student Representative


Student Development Cell (विद्यार्थी विकास कक्ष):

Student Development Cell is functional in the college with the compossition as follows; 

Name of Members


Dr. K. S. Patil


Mr. V. A. Bagal

Coordinator, Academic In-charge

Dr. A. S. Sherikar

Research & Recognition Committee In-charge

Dr.  P. S. Kumbhar

Avishkar Coordinator

Mr. M. V. Shinde

Student Council Committee In-charge

Dr. C. M. Jamkhandi

NSS Committee In-charge

Mrs. S.R. Patki

Magazine Committee In-charge

Mrs. S. D. Gaikwad

Co curricular In-charge

Mr. S. S. Chopade

Sports In-charge