College Magazine: Florilegia

Florilegia: 2018



Florilegia: 2017


Florilegia: 2013


Florilegia: 2012


Florilegia: 2011


Magazine Committee

Name Role
Mrs. Shalaka PAtki  Editor
Dr. C. M. Jamkhandi Kannada
Mrs. Sharwaree Hardikar  Marathi
Mrs. Shalaka R. Patki English
Dr. Popat S. Kumbhar Research
Ms. Uma G. Mali Hindi


College magazine is an excellent platform for the students to showcase their literary, artistic skills and explore creativity which therein contributes in enhancing their intellectual and personality grooming. Tatyasaheb Kore College of Pharmacy annually publishes its magazine known as ‘FLORILEGIA’.

Florilegia the word formed from the latin ‘flos’ (flower) and ‘legere’ (to gather): means literally a gathering of flowers, or “A collection of fine excerpts from written texts, especially works of literature”.

We have a tradition of participating and winning in Shivaji University Inter-collegiate Magazine Competition. Every year our students grab ample prizes in this competition.


Glimpses of Shivaji University Magazine Competition Award Ceremony..