Student Council

Every year College Student’s Council is formed as per the guidelines of Shivaji University, Kolhapur; abiding with the rules specified.

Student Council is a team of student leaders from the college, representing each class.

It is the body of representative students, involved in all the activities of the institute, working in hands-in-hands with the management, staff and parents for the benefit of the institute and its students.

It is interlink between the students and the administration.

It works together with college other stakeholders to identify and address concerns that affect the students directly and indirectly.

It represents the interests of the students and participates in discussions and decisions that affect the student academic and otherwise progress.

The Year wise Student Councils of the college are as follows;

Student Council for the Academic Year 2024-25

Sr. No.

Name of Committee Member



Dr. Kiran S.Patil



Mr. Mayuresh V. Shinde

In-charge student council


Mr. Rajdeep P.Bhokare

Cultural In-charge


Mrs. Supriya D. Gaikwad

Co-curricular In-charge


Mr. Swapnil S. Chopade

Sports In-charge


Mrs. Shalaka R.Patki

Magazine In-charge


Mr. Chamansaheb M. Jamkhandi

NSS In-charge


Mr.Viraj Desai

CR F.Y.B.Pharm


Miss. Vaishnavi Patil

LR F.Y.B.Pharm


Mr.Omkar Kolebere

CR S.Y.B.Pharm


Miss. Siddhi Wagulekar

LR S.Y.B.Pharm


Miss.Monika Mali

CR T.Y.B.Pharm


Miss. Priti Ghadge

LR T.Y.B.Pharm


Mr.Amitabh Acharya

CR Final Year. B.Pharm


Miss.Pragati Fulari

LR Final Year. B.Pharm


Mr.Namdev Goral

CR Pharm D


Miss. Sanika Irwadkar

CR Pharm D


Mr. Girish Gaikwad

CR M. Pharm


Miss. Anushka Barkade

LR M.Pharm




A. Y. 2018-19

Miss. Thorat  Bhagyashree Shivraj

Class Representative F. Y. B. Pharm

Mr. Danake Nilesh Anil

Class Representative S. Y. B. Pharm

Miss. Ambe Disha Rajendra

G. S., Class Representative T. Y. B. Pharm

Mr. Waghmode Vaibhav Maruti

Class Representative Final Year B. Pharm

Mr. Patil Siddhesh Shivaji

Sports Representative

Mr. Narale Vaibhav Urmija

NSS Representative

Mr. Shinde Shubham Sunil

Cultural Representative

Miss. Vajarde Swati Sambhaji

Ladies Representative 


A. Y. 2017-18

Miss. Patil Rajnandini Namdeo

Class Representative F. Y. B. Pharm

Miss. Ambe Disha Rajendra

Class Representative S. Y. B. Pharm

Mr. Mokashi Sushil Raghunath

Class Representative T. Y. B. Pharm

Miss. Shekh Simran Suleman

Class Representative Final Year B. Pharm

Miss. Mali Uma Ghansham

G. S. & Class Representative F. Y. M. Pharm

Mr. Kadam Shubham Shamrao

Sports Representative

Mr. Khade Rajkumar Mahadev

NSS Representative

Mr. Chougule Rushikesh Vilas

Cultural Representative

Miss. Raut Shubhangi Sudhakar

Ladies Representative 


A. Y. 2016-17

Miss. Ambe Disha Rajendra

Class Representative F. Y. B. Pharm

Miss. Patil Dhanashree Yashwant

Class Representative S. Y. B. Pharm

Miss. Shekh Simran Suleman

Class Representative T. Y. B. Pharm

Miss. Mali Uma Ghansham

Class Representative Final Year B. Pharm

Miss. Mali Shobharani Dasharath

Class Representative F. Y. M. Pharm

Mr. Patil Avadhut  Krishnat

Sports Representative

Mr. Nagargoje Nivas Damodhar

NSS Representative

Mr. Hegana Sanket  Sanjay

G. S. &Cultural Representative

Miss. Nejdar Piyusha Pandit

Ladies Representative 


A. Y. 2015-16

Mr. Mokashi Sushil Raghunath

Class Representative F.Y.B.Pharm

Miss. Mujawar Afroz Iqbal

Class Representative S.Y.B.Pharm

Miss. Mali Uma Ghansham

Class Representative T.Y.B.Pharm

Miss. Thakur Shalan Mahadev

Class Representative Final B.Pharm

Mr. Jadhav Ramchandra Suresh

Sports Representative

Mr. Sakate Gaurav Pravinkumar

NSS Representative

Mr. Dabhade Akshay Hindurao

Cultural Representative

Mr. Kulkarni Varun Sadanand

G. S.

Miss. Patil Swapnali Laxman

Ladies Representative 


A. Y. 2014-15

Miss. Desai Aparna Anant

Class Representative F. Y. B. Pharm

Miss. Salunkhe Archana Sarjerao

Class Representative S. Y. B. Pharm

Miss. Kutwal Rashmi Shrikant

G. S. & Class Representative T. Y. B. Pharm

Miss. Rawool Vijaya Vitthal

Class Representative Final Year B. Pharm

Mr. Kakade Pratik Shailendra

Class Representative F. Y. M. Pharm

Mr. Shirwadkar Babaso Balaso

Class Representative S. Y. M. Pharm

Mr. Gat Rohan Dhananjay

Sports Representative

Vacant Seat

NSS Representative

Mr. Kumbhar Popat Sonappa

Cultural Representative

Miss. Khot Reshma Dattaram

Ladies Representative 

Miss. Samrat Priyanka Marutrao

Ladies Representative 


A. Y. 2013-14

Miss. Kumbhar Pradnya Prabhakar

Class Representative S.Y.B.Pharm

Miss. Rawool Vijaya Vitthal

Class Representative T.Y.B.Pharm

Mr. Kakade Pratik Shailendra

Class Representative Final B.Pharm

Mr. Patil Amar Prakash

Class Representative S.Y. M. Pharm

Mr. Gat Rohan Dhananjay

G. S. &Sports Representative

Mr. Jagdale Prasad Surjerao

Cultural Representative

Mr. Mundhe Swapnil Sukhdev

NSS Representative

Miss. Powar Sayali Dilip

Ladies Representative 

Miss. Kulkarni Vrushali Mukund

Ladies Representative 


A. Y. 2012-13

Mr. Chougule Avinash Ashok

Class Representative F.Y.B.Pharm

Miss. Rawool Vijaya Vitthal

Class Representative S.Y.B.Pharm

Mr. Dhore Rahul Janardhan

Class Representative T. Y. B. Pharm

Mr. Shinde Mangesh Dhanaji

Class Representative Final Year B.Pharm

Mr. Patil Abhinandan  Ravsaheb

Class Representative F. Y. M. Pharm

Miss. Patil Priyanka Balkrishna

Class Representative S. Y. M. Pharm

Mr. Bansode Pravin Bhaskar

Sports Representative

Mr. Mundhe Swapnil Sukhdev

N.S.S. Representative

Mr. Jagdale Prasad  Sarjerao

Cultural Representative

Miss. Patil Yojana Dadasaheb

Ladies Representative 

Miss. Bansode Anuradha Sunil

Ladies Representative 


A. Y. 2011-12

Mr. Chougule Avinash Ashok

Class Representative F. Y. B. Pharm

Miss. Rawool Vijaya Vitthal

Class Representative S. Y. B. Pharm

Mr. Godbole Nikhil Nitin

G. S. & Class Representative T. Y. B. Pharm

Mr. Shinde Mangesh Dhanaji

Class Representative Final Year B. Pharm

Mr. Patil Abhinandan Ravsaheb

Class Representative F. Y. M .Pharm

Miss. Patil Priyanka Balkrishna

Class Representative S. Y. M. Pharm

Mr. Bansode Pravin Bhaskar

Sports Representative

Mr. Mundhe Swapnil Sukhdev

NSS Representative

Mr. Jagdale  Prasad Sarjerao

Cultural Representative

Miss. Patil Yojana Dadasaheb

Ladies Representative 

Miss. Bansode Anuradha Sunil

Ladies Representative 


A. Y. 2010-11

Miss. Asha V. Patil

Class Representative S.Y.B.Pharm

Mr. Mangesh  B. Shinde

Class Representative T.Y.B.Pharm

Mr. Rahul J. Dhore

Class Representative T.Y. B. Pharm

Mr. Yogesh A. Mohite

G. S. & Sports Representative

Mr. Asad K. Mulla

Cultural Representative

Mr. Sachin M. Bhosale

NSS Representative

Miss. Sana K. Chougule

Ladies Representative 

Miss. Anuradha S. Bansode

Ladies Representative 


A. Y. 2009-10

Mr. Joshi Vivek Ramesh

Class Representative S. Y. B. Pharm

Mr. Dhore Rahul Janardhan

Class Representative T. Y. B. Pharm

Mr. Shirsat Vishal Baburao

Class Representative Final Year B. Pharm

Mr. Teke Omkar Sunil

Sports Representative

Mr. Sankpal Surendra Shripati

G. S. & Cultural Representative

Mr. Patil Sachin Bali

NSS Representative

Miss. Deokule Tejshree Appasaheb

Ladies Representative 

Miss. Ghate Bhagyashree Uday

Ladies Representative 


A. Y. 2008-09

Mr. Kolsepatil Pradip Shivaji

Class Representative F. Y. B. Pharm

Mr. Dhore Rahul Janardhan

Class Representative S. Y. B. Pharm

Miss. Malgave Nilofar Noormohammad

Class Representative T. Y. B. Pharm

Mr. Patil Ravindra Annasaheb

Class Representative Final B. Pharm

Mr. Patil Ashish Ananda

Cultural representative

Mr. Jagtap Sandip Balu

NSS Representative

Mr. Maske Pratik Prakash

G. S. & Sports representative

Miss. Deokule Tejshree Appasaheb

Ladies Representative

Miss. Bhore Swati Nandkumar

Ladies Representative