Competitive Exam and Career Guidance Cell 

Mission: Tatyasaheb Kore College of Pharmacy, Warananagar have “TKCP GPAT Club”was established with the aim of providing information and preparation aspects for GPAT, NIPER, BITS etc. GPAT club organizes various activities for the students to encourage them for efficient and effective preparation in GPAT,NIPER- JEE, BITS as well as better performance in the entrance exams for postgraduate level.

 Name   Designation

Ms. Ashatai Patil

(Committee In-charge)

 Assistant Professor 
Mr. Popat Kumbhar  Assistant Professor
Mr. Sanket Gandhi Assistant Professor
Mr. Onkar Patil Assistant Professor


Competative Exam qualified students data Competative Exam Activity conducted
Year 2022-23 Year 2022-23
Year 2021-22 Year 2021-22
Year 2020-21 Year 2020-21
Year 2019-20 Year 2019-20
Year 2018-19 Year 2018-19
Year 2017-18 Year 2017-18



Roles and Responsibilities:
  • To create awareness and Understanding the concept of nationalized Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test (GPAT), NIPER- JEE, BITS etc.
  • To provide necessary information and guidance for the preparation of GPAT examinations.
  • To orient the student for GPAT examinations.
  • To distribute “GPAT Library Card” for the needy and deserving students to get maximum access of the book from library.
  • To ensure proper utilization of time spent side out the classroom by students.
  • To create a homogeneous group among teachers and students to translate this vision and carry out its healthy functions as an institutional imperative.
  • To Understand the concept of nationalized Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test (GPAT) and NIPER- JEE.
  • To develop a resource centre of information, guidance and counseling on GPAT.
  • To Conduct subject wise lectures for GPAT, NIPER- JEE, BITS et entrance exam from eminent  persons.
  • To Conduct subject wise PRE-GPAT exam for 3rd &4th year students.
  • To Conduct PRE-GPAT [one online and one offline] exams and Participating students get experience of MOCK-GPAT prior to actual nationalized GPAT exam.